Alina Noor
Alina Noor
Subhan Allah
Mashaa Allah
Audios 57
Videos 20
Subhan Allah 3782
Mashaa Allah 3935
Alhamdulilah 1114
Followers 11

Alina Noor is young, talented female sufi kalam reciter of Pakistan. She is gold medalist and done Bachelor of Arts. Exceptional Naat Reciter with 11 years’ consistent experience, performing and superb memorization and improvisational skills. A skilled naat reciter who constantly strives to improve technical skills.

Accomplishments & Certification Summary:

• Won All Schools’ Naat Competition held by Federal Directorate of Education
Islamabad (2008)
• TOP 12 BEST KIDS NAAT RECITERS in All Pakistan Competition (boys and
girls) arranged by GEO TV NETWORK (2011)
• Got 1st Position in All Sindh Naat contest held by ARY DIGITAL’s program Good
Morning Pakistan (2012)
• 2nd Runner up in all Pakistan naat contest held by ATV 2013
• Got many certificates and awards of best naat reciter by Different universities
especially AIOU and NUML Islamabad.
• 1 st Runner up in All Punjab Naat competitions held by Pakistan Broadcasting
Corporation (2014)
• Won the title “Best Naat Reciter” during Collegiate and intercollegiate competitions of Islamabad Rawalpindi (2013-2015)
• Was chosen for TOP 40 from 9999 auditions from all over the country in 2017
• Became TOP 3 best Naat Reciter of the year 2017 by SAMAA TV• Won All Punjab and then All Pakistan Naat Competiton held by Radio Pakistan and Pakistan Television (2019)
• Gold Medalist
• Attended Many Seminars and conferences (Religious, Literary, cultural, media) as special guest (Naat reciter) held by different universities and organizations and recited Naat/sufi kalaam/kalaam Iqbal
• Member of Positive Pakistan, recitation at Young Leaders Summit 2019
• Serving as Judge and Trainer in Islamabad Model Colleges during Naat contests



Contact details
Mobile: +92 310 5675884

Additional Information & Inspiration:
  • Started reciting Hamd-o-Naat in the age of three (03). went on Islamic events since childhood.
  • Participated in every naat competition in schools, colleges, universities and on media
  • level and got 1st position.
  • Won every time in naat contests on media level also.
  • Took guideline from Legendary Syed Manzoor ul Konain, late (the master of classical
  • genre Naat Recitation) and his pupil “Syed Zabeeb Masood Shah remained her inspiration regarding classical recitation due to my interest in this genre.
  • Recited naat and other kalaams on different TV channels and Radio Pakistan.
  • Started naat career at media from Radio Pakistan.
  • Recorded Naat with World Renowned Qari Najam Mustafa (Son of Qari Khushi Muhammad Al-Azhari, late)
  • Was invited to record naats from different TV channels like PTV , ARY, ATV , SAMAA ,NOOR TV (UK) , TV One and other private studios as well.
  • Can recite in different genres but have my interest in classical recitation.
  • Recited Naat in different languages like Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Punjabi and Saraiki as well.
Social Media Details:
  • Youtube/Alina Noor Official
  • Facebook/alinanoornaats
  • Twitter/alinanoornaats
  • Soundcloud/alinanoornaats
  • Instagram/alinanoorofficial


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