Dr. Israr Ahmad Islamic Scholar
Dr. Israr Ahmad Islamic Scholar
Subhan Allah
Mashaa Allah
Audios 15
Videos 98
Subhan Allah 242
Mashaa Allah 188
Alhamdulilah 177
Followers 22

Dr Israr Ahmed was a great Pakistani Islamic Scholar, Philosopher and Islamic theologian. He was very famous and followed in sub-continent, South Asian Muslims, Western Europe, Middle East and North America. He was awarded Sitara-e-Imtiaz in 1981. He was a true patriot.



Dr Israr Ahmed was born on April 26, 1932 in Hissar East Punjab, India. Today Hissar has named as Haryana. His father was a government servant. He came in to Pakistan from India in 1947 in Lahore. He graduated from King Edward Medical College Lahore in 1954. Later on he has done Masters in Islamic Studies from the university of Karachi in 1965.


Dr Israr Ahmed was very much inspired from Allama Iqbal poetry. He read the whole Bang-e-Dara in the age of 10 years. He was founder of the tanzeem-e-islami. Tanzeem-e-Islami was established in 1975. His son Hafiz Aakif Saeed is the present Ameer of the Tanzeem.


Dr Israr Ahmed first appeared on television in a program named Al-Kitab in 1978, Alif lam meem, Rasool-e-Kamil, Umm-ul-Kitab and Al-Huda. His reason of popularity was his lectures and debates on television over religious issues.

Contribution Towards Islam

Dr Israr Ahmed had the strong power to preach Islam in difficult situations. He was same as he spoke. He has started an institution "Khudam ul Quran" in Lahore. He has written more than 60 books on Islam and religion. He gave lecturers to the people in his institution. He has used different media sources like internet, satellite, radio, television to convey message of Allah. For the last forty years Dr Israr Ahmad has been engaged not only in reviving the Qur'an-centered Islamic perennial philosophy and world-view but also reforming the society in a practical way with the ultimate objective of establishing a true Islamic State, or the System of Khilafah.


He was died on April 14, 2010. He was long time heart patient. His funeral was held at Central Model Town Park in Lahore after Asar prayer. About twenty thousand people has attended his funeral. His life is a guide for his followers and those who met him, know better about him.

May Allah Shower his blessing upon Him and place him highest rank in Jannah. Ameen.

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