Mujhe Kabaa Bula Ley 99 names of Allah with Dua

2,037 views   |   Published on February 9, 2020

Published by Yasir Khan Qureshi

About Mujhe Kabaa Bula Ley


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم By the grace of ALLAH almighty I am able to readrecite... أسماء الحسنى Asma-ul-Husna 99NamesofALLAH with dua. All the lyrics of duaverses in this Nasheed are written by me. I hope you guys will like this Nasheed and will never stop supporting me, I am hoping for the best, Insha ALLAH. Please like my facebook page, subscribe to my youtube channel and follow me on my instagram and twitter. www.facebook.comYasirKHQureshiOfficial www.instagram.comYasirKHQureshi www.twitter.comIamYKHQ __________


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